Blueberry and Lemon Vegan Cheesecake


  • 250g Cashews

  • 250g Ginger nut biscuits (most brands I have seen are vegan, but just double check)

  • 50g Pecans

  • 75g Dairy free butter

  • 150g Koko vegan cream cheese

  • 120g Golder caster sugar

  • 100ml Soya milk

  • 1 tsp Vanilla essence

  • Zest of 1 lemon

  • 200g Fresh blueberries

  • Handful of Frozen blueberries (optional- for decoration)


  1. Boil cashews for 15 mins to soften them.

  2. While boiling the cashews make the base, finely crush the biscuits and pecans- this can be done by placing them in a food bag and bashing it with a rolling pin. Melt the butter and mix into the crushed biscuits and pecans. Press this mixture into the bottom of the tin your cheesecake is going into- ideally an 8 inch loose base cake dish. Place into the freezer to set for a bit.

  3. Drain cashews and blend with the cream cheese, sugar, soya milk, vanilla and lemon zest to make your cheesecake mixture.

  4. Take the base out of the freezer and pour the fresh blueberries on top, spread them evenly and then pour over the cheesecake mixture. It may be beneficial to pour this over in blobs across the surface and then spread it to form an even coverage.

  5. Decorate the top with your frozen blueberries- I defrosted them in the microwave and then drizzled over the blueberries and berry juice.

  6. Place in the freezer for an hour to set and then serve! Can be kept in the fridge after it is set.

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