Fennel and Aubergine Parmigiana


  • 2 Aubergine

  • 1 bulb of Fennel

  • 5 cloves of Garlic

  • 1 red onion

  • Vegetable oil for roasting and frying

  • 200g fresh tomatoes

  • 1 tbsp mixed herbs

  • 1 tin chopped tomatoes

  • 1 tbsp tomato puree

  • 1 stock cube

  • 150ml red wine

  • 50g dairy free butter

  • 1 x tetra pack of silken tofu

  • 4 tbsp nutritional yeast +1tbsp for the topping

  • 150ml water

  • Juice of half a lemon

  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar

  • 2 slices of toast made into breadcrumbs or ~ 100g pre-prepared crumbs


  1. Slice aubergine and rub with salt on both sides, leave in a colander to release water for 15- 30mins.

  2. Preheat oven to 200c

  3. Slice the fennel and roast in the oven with the aubergine and 3 cloves of garlic with plenty of oil for 30mins, turning over halfway- remove garlic at the halfway point to prevent burning.

  4. For the tomato sauce: Chop and fry the red onion with 1tbsp oil until soft. Chop your fresh tomatoes and add to the pan with the roasted garlic, herbs and stir until the tomatoes soften then add the tin of tomatoes, tomato puree, crumble in the stock cube and add the red wine. Half fill your empty tomato can with water and swirl to get all the tomato goodness from the can, add to the pan and simmer.

  5. For the white sauce: Crush and fry 2 garlic cloves in the butter for 2 mins, stirring the whole time. Then add the pack of tofu, nutritional yeast, water, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and season generously with salt and pepper. Blend with a stick blender or in a nutribullet until completely smooth.

  6. For the bread crumbs: If you are using readymade bread crumbs then stir in 1tbsp nutritional yeast. For homemade bread crumbs- toast 2 slices of bread and cut into chunks, leave to cool for 5 mins then blend with 1 tbsp nutritional yeast.

  7. Assemble: Pour half of the tomato sauce on the base of a large oven proof dish. Then top with half of the aubergine and fennel and pour over half of the white sauce. Repeat the layers once more and top with the breadcrumbs and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

  8. Place in oven for 30 mins

Serve with fresh crusty bread or garlic bread or pasta or roast potatoes, perhaps alongside a bean salad or steamed green veg.

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