Millionaire Shortbread


For the shortbread:

  • 175g plain flour

  • 60g caster sugar

  • 120g dairy free butter

  • 1/4 tsp fine salt

For the caramel:

  • 200g creamed coconut

  • 200g light brown caster sugar

  • 100g dairy free butter

  • Generous pinch of sea salt


  • 100g dark/ dairy free chocolate


  1. Preheat oven to 180C

  2. In a bowl combine the flour, sugar and salt. Add the butter in chunks and rub in with your fingers until a dough is formed. Avoid handling it too much.

  3. Press into a square pyrex dish with the back of a spoon to form one layer of uniform thickness. Prick the surface with a fork a few times.

  4. Bake in the centre of the oven for 40mins.

  5. Once the shortbread is in the oven, you can start on the caramel; in a glass jug add 300ml boiling water. Sit your block of creamed coconut in it for 5 mins to soften it, then remove from packaging and stir into the water to make your cream.

  6. In a pan heat the butter and sugar until melted, add your pinch of salt and then add the coconut cream and simmer on the hob for 30 mins until thick, stir at regular intervals.

  7. Pour over shortbread and leave to set in freezer for an hour.

  8. In a microwave proof bowl add your chopped dark choc and heat in 30 second increments. Stirring in between heating until it is fully melted. Pour the chocolate over the set caramel and spread with a spatula, leave it for 20mins in the fridge to set and then your shortbread is ready. Cut it into individual portions.

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