

  • 2 aubergines (eggplants)

  • 350g baking potatoes, thinly sliced

  • 1 red onion

  • 1 carrot

  • 150g mushrooms

  • 2 tbsp soya sauce

  • 1tsp cinnamon

  • ½ tsp sumac

  • ½ tsp cumin

  • ½ tsp thyme

  • 325g frozen soya mince

  • 50g finely chopped brazil nuts

  • 1 tin tomatoes

  • 2 tbsp tomato puree

  • 80ml red wine

  • 1 small white onion

  • 50g vegan spread

  • ½ tsp mixed spice

  • 1 bay leaf

  • 40g plain flour

  • 500ml soy milk

  • 2 tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)


  1. Pre-prepare the aubergines by slicing into 1 cm slices, put the slices into a colander, sprinkle with salt and rub the aubergine so that the entire surface area has salt on it. This is to make the aubergines very tender and require less oil to cook. Leave In the colander for at least an hour to allow the aubergine to release water.

  2. Preheat the oven to 180C.

  3. Rinse the aubergines well, dry and lay out flat on a baking tray, drizzle with olive oil and place in the oven. Do the same with the potato on a separate baking tray and cook both in the oven for 30 mins. In the mean time start on the mince. (Once the aubergine and potato are done, take them out but leave the oven on so it remains hot for the moussaka to go in).

  4. While the aubergine and potato are in the oven cook the mince by chopping and frying the red onion in olive oil. Cut the carrot into small cubes and slice the mushrooms, add to the pan with the soya sauce. Cook until the mushrooms have softened and then add the spices; cinnamon, sumac, cumin and thyme. Fry the spices for 3 mins and then add the soya mince, brazil nuts, tinned tomatoes and tomato puree. Half fill the empty tin of tomatoes with water and add a splash to the pan. Stir to combine. Once the mince is bubbling add the red wine and cook for another 5 minutes.

  5. To make the white sauce, mince the white onion and fry in 50g of vegan spread. At this point add the mixed spice and bay leaf. Once the onion is cooked add the flour and stir to make a dough. Slowly add the soy milk a splash at a time until it is all added. If there are lumps then you can beat them out with a balloon whisk. Add the nutritional yeast and season to taste.

  6. To assemble- using a large ceramic or glass dish add half the mince to the bottom and level it out. Then top with half of the aubergines and a splash of the white sauce. Then top with the remaining half of the mince, layer the potatoes over the top in a flat layer and then top with aubergine and cover in white sauce.

  7. Cook in the oven for 180C for 1 hour.

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