Quiche Sophie


Shortcrust pastry (Or you can buy a premade vegan one)

  • 150g plain flour

  • ½ tsp salt

  • 90g cold vitalite butter or alternative (has to be 50-60% fat)

  • 3 tbsp very cold water


  • 1 large onion

  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  • 1 tsp mixed herbs

  • 150g Smoked tofu

  • 1 tsp smoked paprika

  • Block of silken tofu

  • 100ml soya milk

  • 2 tbsp nutritional yeast

  • 60g gram flour

  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda

  • 1 tsp mustard

  • 1 tsp black salt (kala namak)

  • 75g vegan applewoods cheese


  1. Preheat oven to 180C

  2. In a cold bowl add the flour and the salt. Then rub in the vegan butter in chunks, ensuring you only use your fingertips and that the butter was very cold to start with (I put mine in the freezer for 30 mins before).

  3. Once it is combined in fine crumbs sprinkle in the 3 tbsp of water a little at the time and stir with a butter knife to bring it together. Once the dough forms thick chunks bring together to a ball with your hands.

  4. Rest in the fridge for 10 mins

  5. Flour a clean surface and roll out pastry so that it is wide enough to fit your pastry dish, fill the pastry dish, cutting off any edges that come over the side and pricking the base.

  6. Bake for 20 mins.

  7. While baking now make the quiche filling. Chop your onion and fry in the olive oil, once the onion is softened add the smoked tofu, chopped into lardon-shaped pieces. Fry with the mixed herbs and smoked paprika.

  8. To make the ‘egg’ part of the quiche. Blend together the silken tofu, soya milk, nutritional yeast, gram flour, bicarb, mustard, black salt.

  9. Once the pastry case is out of the oven sprinkle the applewoods cheese- chopped into small chunks over the base. Then pour over the fried onion and tofu mixture and finally pour over the liquid egg mixture.

  10. Bake in the oven at 180C for 30 mins.

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